White Paper: The Role of Hemp Plastic in the Fight Against Climate Change

In recent years, the use of industrial hemp has been gaining momentum as a natural, renewable, climate-friendly, and non-toxic alternative to fossil fuel-based products. With the rise in popularity of hemp seeds, leaves and flowers as foods, cosmetic ingredients and herbal medicine, there is a growing quantity of stems, seed husks, cannabis extraction fiber and other by-products being left behind as “waste.” However, these “waste” fibers have many potential applications in hemp plastic manufacturing and construction. A transition from petrochemicals and conventional building materials to hemp plastic could significantly cut carbon emissions by locking up carbon in the end products, alleviate pollution and improve agricultural land and crop yields.

Click here to continue reading this white paper by Paul Benhaim, founder of The Hemp Plastic Company, shareholder and Chairman. He has been involved in hemp plastics since 1996 and the hemp industry since 1993. Mr. Benhaim has authored nine books on industrial hemp and papers including The Wellness Revolution — Hemp and Cannabinoids Introduction (2016).